Getting To The Root Of It

The art of demonstrating value through deep questioning and problem solving

Sometimes other Executive Search firms build their businesses by focussing on themselves and not the clients they are trying to work with, for example;

- Focusing on relationships, when in reality clients do not want relationships. They want as little to do and hear from you as possible. UNLESS, you can solve their problems.

- Giving value away free, it lowers your status. Building a process that creates value for your clients - a diagnostic-based approach, again solves their current, or future hiring problems.

- Playing the long game, rarely works in the current market conditions. Speaking to multiple people in the organisation, probably means you are speaking to the wrong people about a problem that doesn’t need solving.

Instead of the above, VidCircle focuses on these core methods:

- Uncovering the truth about what’s really needed

- Listening, diagnosing problems and offering advice on client specific solutions

- Conveying value from the start

Does this sound like something which would work for your business when hiring? Worth a conversation to hear how we’ve helped others?


C++, GPU,Python & CUDA Engineer - LA - USA


Time Costs Money