Our Services

Our Search Services stretch across three packages to choose from when working with us, from High Definition to Eight K.
Each option is designed to cater for our clients’ individual hiring needs and fulfilment of their hiring strategy.
Everyone is different, but starting here gives us a good place to start from.

High Definition

Identify and Engage

  • Branded Job Pack

  • Global Outreach and Distribution of message through relevant communication channels

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Candidate Mapping

  • Candidate Assessment

  • Candidate Long List

  • Weekly Steering Call

Ultra (UHD)

Identify, Engage and Assess

  • Job Advert Writing

  • Branded Job Pack

  • Global Outreach and Distribution of message through relevant communication channels

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Candidate Mapping

  • Candidate Assessment

  • Candidate Long List

  • Short List Session

  • Weekly Steering Call

  • Post Placement and Ongoing Support

Eight K

Identify, Engage, Assess and Support

  • Upfront Strategy Session – 2hr Workshop

  • Process Map for Hiring Process

  • Job Advert Writing

  • Branded Job Pack

  • Global Outreach and Distribution of message through relevant communication channels

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Candidate Mapping

  • Candidate Assessment

  • Candidate Long List

  • Short List Session

  • Weekly Steering Call

  • Bespoke McQuaig Assessment

  • Post Placement and Ongoing Support

If your business has a hard to fill role or roles, VidCircle is confident it has a pricing package that can suit your business needs.

Contact us now to chat further.